Pharmacology and math calculation in Nursing
Prapapis Pitayapisut (Nursing)
Pavlov Rameau (Consultant from Mathematics)
Suzanne Austin (Consultant from Mathematics)
Calculations Quiz
Thanks to our trusty pharmacists, we do not always have to calculate dosages of medications. However, it is always best to know how to calculate your own dosages so that we all know exactly what we are giving, and exactly how much we should give.
Write down your answers on a paper, then the answers will be provided for you at the end of the quiz. Good luck!
1. The doctor has ordered an I.V. medication to run over 4 hours. It will come in a bag of 500 mL. Your drop factor is 10 gtts/mL. How many mL/hr should the infusion run?
2. You are ordered to give Nitroglycerine gr. 1/150. The pharmacy has supplied 0.4mg/tablet. How many tablets should you give?
3. You need to give your patient 40 mEq of KCL p.o. On hand you have KCL 15 mEq/3cc. How many mL will you need to administer?
4. You patient has an order to have D5 .5NS 1000cc I.V. to run over 8 hours. How many gtts/min will your infusion run at if your drop factor is 15?
5. Dopamine 0.4mg/min is ordered for your patient. The pharmacy has supplied you with a piggyback of 250cc D5W which contains 200 mg of Dopamine. How many gtts/min should it run using a 60 gtts/cc tubing?
6. The doctor has ordered a one time dose of M.S. 0.05mg/kg for your child patient. The child weighs 36 lbs. On hand you have 0.5 mg/1cc. How many mL will you administer?
7. Quinidine 0.6 g is ordered qid. On hand you have 200 mg tablets. How many tablets would you give at each dose time?
8. It is time for your patients Vistaril. The ordered dose is 50 mg IM. The pharmacy has supplied you with a 10 cc vial containing 25 mg/cc. How many cc's will you give?
9. You are ordered to give MgSO4 20 g. The vial you have on hand provides a strength of 50% MgSO4. How many cc's will you give?
10. You need to give your patient Amoxicillin 80 mg. You have a vial that contains 6.2 cc dilutent to provide a total dose of 100 mg/mL. How many cc's will you administer?
11. Aspirin 600 mg is ordered. You have gr V tablets available. How many tablets will you give?
12. You are ordered to give your patient 20 mg of Lasix I.V. You have on hand a 10 cc vial containing 100 mg. How many mL's will you give?
13. Your patient is receiving a Lidocaine drip of 1.0 g/500 cc fluid. If your drop factor is 15 gtts/cc, what rate in cc/hr should the infusion run to deliver 2 mg/m?
14. You must give Keflin 250 mg to your patient. The bottle says you must add 9.5 cc of sterile water to the vial to yield 0.5 g/cc. How many cc's should you give?
15. If the adult dose of a drug is 10,000 U, and the child patient who needs that drug has a B.S.A. of 0.55. How many units will you give to the child?