Art History & Mathematics - Miami Dade College

ASSESSMENT of the Course


Real people make real art and real math: biographical readings and discussion of heroes (sung and unsung) in art and math.

·      750-word reflection paper on the student’s perception of the qualities that make for individual success in art and math.


Real art and real math make real history: cross cultural study of visual patterns created using two-dimensional symmetries.

·      Creation of an original visual design that demonstrates use of a two-dimensional symmetry. 

·      Description of the math involved.


Order and chaos in art and math: selected readings, problems and slide study of examples.

·      Compare/contrast examples of orderly and chaotic art

·      Compare/contrast examples of orderly and chaotic math


Student project: using math to make a cross-cultural analysis of stylistic elements in art.  Example: graphical analysis of the six ways that the passage of time is depicted in U.S., European and Japanese comic art.

·      Illustrated classroom presentation of findings