Art History & Mathematics - Miami Dade College

Goals of the Course





Student reflections on the lives of artists and mathematicians

  • Emphasize the challenges and rewards that come with  achievement, whether recognized or not
  • Present models of struggle and achievement in art and in math with which students may make a personal identification

January module

A brief  cross-cultural survey of 2- dimensional patterns and the methods of their construction

  • Make a clear and specific connection between art and math
  • Demonstration of how math, often unschooled, has been used in many cultures to solve art problems
  • Help art students overcome math anxiety through a demonstration of accessible and practical applications of math, and help math students see examples of aesthetic quality in math patterns

February module

Demonstration of two intricate polar opposites more suited to graceful expression in art and in math than in words

  • Reveal the same metaphor expressed in the languages of art and math
  • Demystify literacy in art and math
  • Increase conceptual agility
  • Increase ease in perceiving, understanding, and expressing complex ideas in the language of art and/or math

March module

Active student engagement in a balance of art and math to solve a knotty problem

  • Opportunity to compare and contrast facts
  • Opportunity to discover and demonstrate the presence of veiled patterns
  • Opportunity to learn advantages of graphical demonstrations and acquire skill in same
  • A demonstration of an interdependent use of art and math
  • Opportunity to discover clear insight into a complex topic
  • Opportunity to experience the power of cooperative enterprise

April module