Chemistry and Graphing
Rachel Wang
Spokane Falls Community
Sample Web Page from Hyperstat On-line textbook by David Malone
scatterplot is used to show the relationship between two variables. The
following steps can be used to make a scatterplot.
Before starting, the two
variables of interest should be next to one another (the variable for the
x-axis on the left). You can use the Copy/Paste options under Edit to do this.
"How do I edit my work?"
for more information.
Highlight the variable names and
the data values.
Click the
Wizard) button on the menu bar.
Select XY(Scatter) under Chart
type:. You can choose a style for the scatterplot under Chart sub-type. I
usually select the box in the first row. After choosing the Chart sub-type,
click Next>.
In Chart Wizard - Step 2 of 4, we
need to make sure the correct data values were highlighted. Data range:
includes the data values to be plotted. Further, if the data was enter in
columns, Columns should be selected under Series in:. Click Next > to continue
or Cancel to start over.
Chart Wizard - Step 3 of 4 is used
to change the appearance of the bar chart.
Titles Tab: add a title and axes
labels to the chart
Axes Tab: controls the axes style
Gridlines Tab: controls the
gridlines on the chart
Legend Tab: controls the
placement of the legend
Data Labels Tab: changes the
appearance of the data symbols on the chart
Click Next >. ChartWizard - Step 4
of 4, is used to determine the placement of the output.
Selecting As new sheet: will
place the scatterplot on a new sheet. Place cursor in the box and type the
name of the new sheet.
Selecting As object in: will
allow you to put the scatterplot into a current sheet. Use the drop-down
arrow to select the sheet.
Click Finish and the scatterplot
will be placed onto your spreadsheet.
Changing the
scale on the
The plot can be moved by placing
the cursor on the plot and while holding the left mouse button down, move the
graph to the desired location.
You can edit your plot to make any necessary changes.
How do I edit my graph
for more information.