EAP 121/Math 155 Linked Class

Winter 2001


Student Evaluations and Comments:


1.      Not counting your classes this quarter, how many college credits do you now have?



2.      What major will you choose?  (if you are undecided, write a major that interests you now)


3.      Do you believe you will use the kind of language you practiced in Essay #2 in future assignments in classes relating to your major?



4.      Do you feel that you understand the concept of exponential growth better now because you had to write an explanation?  Why or why not?




5.      Do you feel that including a math related topic in your essay made it a more difficult essay in comparison to other essay topics?  Why or why not?




6.      What benefits do you believe come from linking Math 155 for one credit to EAP 121?




7.      What disadvantages do you believe come from linking Math 155 for one credit to EAP 121?




8.      Would you recommend a future EAP 121 + Math 155 linked class to a friend?  Why or why not?




9.  Please make suggestions in regards to improving this linked assignment for future students: