College Prep Reading, Writing and Mathematics

Merlene Purkiss
College Prep Department 
Nancy Wilson-Young
College Prep Department
Suzanne Austin-Hill
Department of Mathematics


Miami Dade College



(Explicit language acquisition)


· Include math autobiographies

1.     HERstories

2.     HIStories

3.     THEIR stories


· Include self-evaluation journals

1.     math skills needed by successful people, students

2.     How do I see myself in the math mirror?


· Include math writing assignments among required writing assignments and homework assignments

·             Develop course components

1.    Process (transactional) writing in mathematics

2.    Relating reading, writing, and math





(Implicit language acquisition)


· Include math (auto)biographies and success stories in level-appropriate reading list and assignments

1.    culture

2.    ethnicity

3.    gender


· Include key level-appropriate math vocabulary in assignments

· Include oral presentations of math writing assignments (interpersonal communication)

·  Develop course components

1.    Reading your math textbook for understanding

2.    Relating reading, writing, and math







· Continue existing writing components

1.    start Writing Journal (information cards) – best & worst math experiences, goal setting

2.    study cards – one per textbook section

3.    Transactional Writing Assignments – one per Unit

4.    Error Analysis – one per Unit


· Continue Peer Tutoring (Service-Learning project)

· Develop course components

1.    Administer/interpret Learning Styles inventory (cross-discipline implications)

2.    How to set winning goals

3.    Additional writing prompts – descriptive, narrative, compare & contrast, persuasive, etc.

4.    Textbook reading assignments

5.    Open-ended test questions that require reading and writing skills