In-class Writing #2
Assignment: Your task is to use your best prose to explain in writing the math concept of a function that you’ve been studying and practicing. To do this, we want you to describe two commonplace occurrences from real life: one that is a positive example of a function and another that is a non-example of a function (an example of what is NOT a function). Present the situation or scenario that is serving as your example, then use the definition of a function to explain why it’s a function or why it’s not a function. You should identify the domain and the range of the function(s).
q The concept of a function is covered in Section 3.3 of your Math text.
q You may not use an example that Deann presents or uses in class or that the book uses. You must come up with your own ideas for the two examples in your paper.
q You will have a whole 50 minutes to write this assignment.
q You may bring a one page outline to class with you; Nancy will check to make sure no one has brought prewritten paragraphs.
Assessment: Here’s what we’ll be using when we assess your papers.
In class Writing #2 Name: ____________________________________
_____ / 3 Clarity of your language (sentence level)
_____ / 3 Effectiveness of overall organization (paragraph level).
_____ / 3 Correct identification of whether the relation is a function or not
_____ / 3 Correct identification of the domain and the range