English and Mathematics

Mathematics 91: Intermediate Algebra I & English 100: Essay Writing

Nancy Kennedy



Deann Leoni



Edmonds Community College 

Initial (first week) Self Assessment Journal Entry:


“Self assessment is the ability of a student to observe, analyze, and judge her performance on the basis of criteria and determine how she can improve it (Alverno College Faculty, 1994).”  (From, Self Assessment at Alverno College, Alverno College Faculty, Georgine Loacker, Editor, page 3.)  Self-assessment as practiced at Alverno College, consists of four distinct components (1) observing, (2) interpreting or analyzing, (3) judging, and (4) planning.  The ability to self assess is critical to the learning process. 


As a student it is critical for you to learn to recognize when you are learning the material at a level that will allow you to reach your goals and when you are not.  It is most critical that you recognize when you are falling short and need to make a change and when you are on course and need to continue what you are already doing well.  If you rely solely on the instructor’s assessment, you may not realize that your strategies are not working until after you have already done poorly on an exam.


In 1-2 pages, thoughtfully respond to both parts A and B below. Your responses should be for the entire 10-credit coordinated studies course, including both Math 91 and English 100.  Your response is due by Friday, September 27th as part of your Journal Assignment for this week.  You will be asked do a similar self-assessment of your progress in the middle of the quarter and at the end of the quarter.


Part A:

1.                  What have you done to prepare yourself to be successful in this class?

2.                  What are your most effective study strategies (or study habits)?

3.                  What are your least effective study strategies (or study habits)?

4.                  How much time (daily) have you set aside to study for this class?

5.                  What are your responsibilities regarding your success in this class?


Part B:

1.  Goal:  (What are my realistic expectations regarding my learning & performance in this class?)


2. Steps to completion: (How will I accomplish this goal?)


3.  Measure of completion:  (How will I know when I’ve reached my goal?)


4.  Barriers to completion:  (How am I likely to get “off track”?)


5.  Resources to support my goal:  (Who and/or what resources are available to assist me?)



Modified from a document at the University of Texas at Austin, Center for Teaching Effectiveness