An Exploration of Data Sets to Enhance Topics within a Sociology and Ethnic Studies Curriculum

Wallace Strong  (Ethnic Studies)


 Lois Sabol (Sociology)


Martin Meister (Mathematics)   



Yakima Valley Community College

 MAC Outcomes for Students:

      1)    To investigate Sociological and Ethnic Studies topics through the use of data sets.

2)    To graph data sets and use these graphs to indicate trends or patterns in a population.

3)    To use EXCEL to graph data sets.

4)    To use mathematics (graphing, percentages, ratios, and statistics) to make inferences regarding a data set.

5)    To use results from the mathematical analysis to create and enhance classroom discussions.

6)    To show the connectedness of mathematics to all disciplines.

7)    To realize the benefits of data manipulation and analysis to solving problems in the social sciences.