Algebra, Reality, & the Rollercoaster

Accelerometer Lab Write-up


This is a group write up.  It must be word-processed.  All graphs must be integrated into the text.

1.     Describe your procedure.  This acts as an introduction to what accelerations you measured and how you measured them.  Include how you held the accelerometer (i.e., what axis was used), your sampling rate and your experiment time.

2.     Include your acceleration (or g-force) vs. time graph(s).  Make sure the axes are labeled correctly.

3.     Write an explanation of the motion that your graph describes.  Include any high or low accelerations (or g's) and the time that they occurred.

4.     Include a confirming calculation.  See me for details on what to measure in order to get the data for this.

5.     Calculate the percentage difference between your accelerometer values and you confirmation values.

6.     Summarize your results.  How small was your percentage difference?  Which value for acceleration (g-force) do you trust the most – the one you calculated yourself or the accelerometer value?  Explain why.  What worked well in the process?  What did not work well?  What would you do differently?  Explain.

7.     Group responsibilities.  If you split up the work - tell who did what.  If you worked together please tell what dates, for what duration and who attended each group session.