Using Excel to Construct Graphs And Analyzing the Results

Spokane Falls Community College, Human Services Department, Special Ed Paraprofessional Program



Objective:  Given sample data, the students will transfer the data to an Excel spreadsheet, use chart wizard to construct an appropriate graphic representation, and interpret the trends and patterns evident in the graph.  Subsequently, students will search, select, and retrieve data relevant to an independent study project.  With this data, they will again use available technology to organize and display data  to analyze and explain the information.


Materials needed:

Access to computer with Excel, Chart Wizard

Disk containing data sets – Drop out rates (Bar graph)

                                            Students in Special Education (Line graph)

                                            Child care options(Pie Chart)

Handout explaining step-by-step procedures


Teacher and Student activity:  Assign the students to groups, trying to create groups with a variety of experience and expertise with computers.

  1.  Brief explanation of Spreadsheets


  1. Obtaining data


  1. Creating a Bar Graph
  1. Creating a Line Graph
  1. Creating a Pie Chart