Lund's Gulch Streamkeepers
Math in a Service-Learning Project
Mission Statement:
Lund's Gulch Streamkeepers is a citizen's group that monitors and promotes the sustainable quality of all life in our watershed; for ourselves and future generations.
- Create service-learning assignments with quantitative elements that involve students directly in inventory, monitoring, evaluation and restoration of Lund's Gulch Creek Watershed and its ecosystem services.
- Create discipline specific assignments for courses in Human Ecology. These course are part of the Learn-n-serve Environmental Anthropology Field (LEAF) School.
- Create discipline specific assignments for courses in Occupational Safety and Health.
- Create a timeline that includes history of service-learning project and goals for the future (including implementation of quantitative assignments).
- Prepare a prioritized plan for the creation of an online database where students can enter data and generate graphs, charts and tables showing historical trends in stream quality.
Quantitative Skills for Human Ecology:
Students who complete a three course sequences in Human Ecology as part of the 2007 LEAF School will:
- learn how to use a GPS receiver to generate and plot latitute and longitude;
- employ sampling to generalize about a larger area;
- learn how to use calipers and tape measures;
- learn how to set up, utilize and map transects;
- distinguish surface velocity and flow;
- generate means and averages;
- calculate percent saturation of dissolved oxygen in water;
- interpret graphs, charts and tables; and
- record quantitative data in field notes and online databases.
Quantitative Skills for Risk Management:
Students who complete Occupational Safety and Health 150, Risk Management will:
- interpret sampling to generalize about a larger area;
- generate means and averages;
- calculate and interpret risk assessment;
- evaluate environmental impact statements;
- interpret graphs, charts and tables;
- extract quantitative data from online databases.
Main Objectives Student Assignment Timeline |