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2007 AMATYC Summer Institute
August 7 - 10, 2007
Sleeping Lady Mountain Retreat
Leavenworth, WA

Application information must be received by April 13, 2007.

Team Contact Name:
Mailing Address:

Team member(s) and their disciplines:
Name: Discipline: E-mail:

Application Narrative:
Answer the following questions in a narrative and please e-mail this information as a text or Word document to:

  • Proposed Project:
    Describe your project involving the integration of mathematics across the disciplines, including what you will accomplish at the institute and later. Is your project an enhancement of an existing non-math course, a learning community, a new quantitative course, or other? Things you might want to include are specific examples of the mathematics integration, the specific mathematics (e.g. number sense, algebra, geometry,...) and math topics that will be integrated, and the depth and scope of integration. Identify at least 3 components of integration; you are welcome to use a list or table to show the correlation of topics.
  • Purpose:
    Answer any or all of the following questions that apply. How does your project support the goal of MAC3 to create a mathematically literate society that ensures a workforce equipped to compete in a technologically advanced global economy? Are you launching or expanding a "Math Across the Curriculum" program? What institutional needs are you trying to address? Which students are you trying to support? What challenges (pedagogical, curricular, and administrative) do you anticipate? What practices on your campus lend themselves to math across the disciplines?
  • Goals for the institute:
    Describe which components of your proposed project (above) does your team hope to accomplish at the summer institute
  • Rationale for team members:
    Give reason(s) for the selection of your team members and how the proposed team supports your goals. Include how your math team member(s) will be utilized at the institute and later in your implementation plan.

Letters of support from an administrator at your institution describing the institutional support for math across the disciplines curriculum are encouraged but not required.

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