The Mathematics Across the Community College Curriculum (MAC3) Project was a National Dissemination project led by The American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC) in partnership with Edmonds Community College, Seattle Central Community College, and Miami Dade College. Although the grant-funded activities have ended, traveling workshops and summer institutes in "Math Across the Curriculum" are ongoing and can be requested through AMATYC. The goal of the MAC3 Project is to create a mathematically literate society that ensures a workforce equipped to compete in a technologically advanced global economy. This will be accomplished by training math and non-math faculty across the disciplines to create, evaluate and modify projects that incorporate mathematics. As a result, community college students throughout the nation will be offered opportunities to deepen and reinforce the mathematics they have learned in their math classes, apply it in context, and understand its greater importance and application in their lives. In a MAC3 workshop or institute, math and non-math faculty across the disciplines create, evaluate and modify projects that incorporate mathematics across disciplines. The MAC3 faculty created projects and courses that integrate mathematics into numerous disciplines. See the "Courses & Project" tab for a list, by discipline, of the curriculum created under the MAC3 Summer and Winter Institutes. Through this dissemination, the project is pleased to continue to offer a support system for community college faculty who wish to integrate math across the disciplines.