MAC^3 and Anthropology
Learn-and-serve Environmental Anthropology Field (LEAF) School
The LEAF School combines academic instruction employing service-learning with an AmeriCorps program so that students earn college credit and a scholarship of $1,000 – 2,362 while working with tribes, businesses, governments and non-profits to make fishing, farming and forestry more sustainable. Students can earn 15 credits over the summer or enroll for just 5 credits in Human Ecology in spring and fall. Field projects with quantitative elements include surveys of salmon and shellfish populations, growth patterns and habitats; monitoring of vegetation growth and vitality in restoration projects; assessments of stream profiles before and after installation of large woody debris; and surveys of human recreation on an uninhabited island with a nature preserve.
Biological Anthropology:
A lab course where students learn about primates, the fossil record, and about living humans.
"On Being Human" Anthropology and Biology of Human Origins:
A coordinated studies course quantifying and incorporating biology and genetics into anthropology.
The Tribal Community Project - a quarter long project in Anthropology 210 North American Indians. Teams of approximately four students collaborate on the production of multimedia presentations on the cultural, historical, political, and social development of a tribal community around Puget Sound.
Ethnomathematics & History of Math:
This 18-credit coordinated studies program provides a trans-cultural approach towards the understanding of the existing relationships between visual images, mathematics and the written/spoken word.
A new interdisciplinary course studying mathematics in a variety of cultures. Students will be able to see how mathematics is viewed in different cultures, and they will have a greater appreciation of the usefulness and application of mathematics in their own lives.