Making Connections

Julie Moore (English)
Shelley Leavens (Mathmatics)
Lisa Hoonan-Trujillo (Reading)
Green River Community College

Materials for MAC Website

Title/Purpose of Course: Make the Connection! This course is a learning community that includes a 10-credit coordinated studies class that combines English 81 and Reading 94 with a link to Math 62. Not all students in the coordinated studies class (capped at 48) will be in the math class (capped at 32), but we are hoping that all of the math students will be in the coordinated studies course.

Names/Disciplines/E-mails of participants:

Implementation Dates: Fall of 2008

Description of Project/Course: This course integrates reading, writing, and math around the theme of college success and readiness. Students will explore the campus of Green River Community College, finding numeric and descriptive information about resources that will help them as they complete their degree. They will then use this information in math computations, reading maps, and written paragraphs. Furthermore, students will study word roots that will help them better understand math concepts. Finally, students will practice reading and solving story problems.

Outcomes for Students/Project
