Statistics Applied to Modern Life

Casey Bonavia (Mathematics)
Shannon Hassett (Psychology)
Columbia College


Statistics Correlation and Regression Project                          Due Friday, February 16



The purpose of this project is to apply the concepts and tools of correlation and linear regression to explore the relationship between two quantitative variables of your choice.  Your assignment is to determine two quantitative values you believe would have a closely linear relation, collect data for 30 individuals, analyze your results statistically, and present your findings in a narrative style paper.  Your paper should be typed and edited, graphs may be carefully drawn by hand.  Additional grading considerations will include creativity in choice of topic, accuracy and completeness in interpreting your statistics, and the clarity and flow of your writing style.

The most important aspect of your paper is how clearly and accurately you discuss and summarize the practical interpretations of your statistics.  The statistical concepts and quantities you should be sure to address are:

The data, scatterplot with regression line, equation of line and values of , , and  should be included at the end of your paper.  I assume that all of you know how to obtain these quantities directly from a calculator or computer, so including formulas and calculations is unnecessary, although labels and units are still important.


Some resources and suggestions: