Mapping The Socio-Culturally Sustainable Classroom

Vauhn Foster-Grahler (Mathematics)
Terry Ford (Literacy Education)
Jon Davies (Teacher Education)
The Evergreen State College

Socioculturally Sustainable Classroom Concept Mapping

Questions, Reflections, and Homework

Self Reflection Day 1

  1. As you were constructing your map, what representations came easily to you?

  2. What representations were difficult? Say in words here what you found difficult to represent visually?

  3. What New understandings about visual representation might you need in order to create a more accurate representation?

Peer Review Day 1

  1. Given this visual representation, what does this person view as the elements of a sustainable classroom?

  2. Articulate the relationships portrayed, and how they were depicted.

  3. What further questions do you have?

  4. What suggestions do you have to make this map more readable?

Homework Day 1:

Take the information from your self-reflection, and comments from your colleagues, and reconstruct your original map. Bring your First map and the revision both to class. Note: DO NOT destroy the first map! We will be re-examining both maps in next week’s class.

After you complete the map, write a self-reflection answering the following questions:

Small Group Process Guide Day 2

  1. Compare and Contrast Map #1 with Map #2, and read the self-reflection.

  2. Based on what the author stated, discuss whether or not you think the second representation is more accurate than the first.

  3. Describe in what ways the accuracy was depicted more clearly.

  4. What suggestions to you have for further improvement?


Self Reflection Day 2 (after graphic representation workshop)

Given this new information about graphic representation, what are your next steps to make your map more spatially accurate. Consider elements of size (linear and area dimension), distance, proportion, and color.

Homework Day 2:

Using elements of size (linear and area dimension), distance, proportion, and color; redesign your map to be more spatially accurate. This will be map #3.

After you complete map #3, write a self-reflection answering the following questions:

Bring ALL maps and self-reflections to turn in.