Mapping The Socio-Culturally Sustainable Classroom

Vauhn Foster-Grahler (Mathematics)
Terry Ford (Literacy Education)
Jon Davies (Teacher Education)
The Evergreen State College

Teaching/Learning Elements

Question and reflection sheets, and homework assignments may be found at the end of this document.


Student Activities

Teacher Activities

Day 1

Listen, respond, ask questions

Introduce Activity – Discuss a concept map – share lesson objective – Group students

In groups, brainstorm components of classroom and broader educational systems.

Listen, observe and encourage.

After groups seem to have “completed” their list, invite them to begin to construct a concept map.


Construct a rough sketch of a concept map that illustrates their discussion on a single, large sheet of paper.

Listen, observe and encourage.

Groups complete and discuss guided self assessment/reflection on work.

Listen, observe and encourage.

Groups complete guided peer review sheet.

Match groups for peer review

Post concept maps around the room.

Whole group de-brief on patterns and trends.

Facilitate de-brief.

Homework: Discuss peer review and self assessment/reflection and discuss and make appropriate changes to concept maps.

Assign homework

Day 2

Groups meet with a different group than day 1 to discuss feedback related and other and changes to concept map.

Match groups and launch group discussion.

Individual groups engage with guided review sheet about spatial components of mapping.

Launch activity. Listen carefully, ask guiding questions, and identify teaching moments.

Teacher instruction about using spatial reasoning to communicate information within concept map and in other areas.

Homework: Use self, peer, review/reflection and new information on spatial reasoning and relationships to produce the final draft

Assign homework.

Day 3


Display final, spatially accurate concept map next to original. Review other groups work.

Assess student work and ask questions.

Whole-class debrief about concept maps.

Facilitate discussion.

Metacognitive - Back in groups, students discuss summative and reflective activity questions about content, group process, and pedagogy.

Listen and observe.

Share reflections with whole class.

Facilitate Discussion